How to Volunteer
Step by step guide to becoming an HSGN volunteer!
Sign Up Online
When you click the below link, you will be brought to Galaxy Digital– HSGN’s volunteer program platform. The login you create will be your account for all things volunteer: including scheduling and communication. You must create an account in order to apply to be a volunteer with HSGN.

Create Account
Please create a username and password. You will also be asked to provide your email. After inputing your username, password and email, please click 'save and continue'.
Already a Galaxy Digital User with HSGN or another organization? Please use the same login information.

Complete Forms Online
You will redirected to a page where you will enter your contact information. in order proceed you must fill out all lines that are flagged. Click 'save and continue'

You will then be prompted to note your availability and complete the volunteer application. Please ensure all questions that are flagged are answered.