Group 2811


The latest at Humane Society of Greater Niagara

Woman hugging her golden retriever

Mental Health Awareness Month: The Therapeutic Power of Pets

May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Did you know that 1 in 5 people in Canada will experience a mental health issue each year? Pets play a crucial role in our mental well-being by providing unconditional love, comfort, and support. In today’s blog, we’ll explore the incredible benefits of pets, with a specific focus on how they impact our mental and physical health, leaving behind pawprints of joy, resilience, and healing.

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Dirty paws of Jack Russel Terrier dog

April Showers Bring...Muddy Paws: Tips for Spring Grooming

Spring is in full swing– it’s time to groom your pets! With most cats and dogs saying goodbye to their winter coats, allergens filling the air, and pests coming out in droves, now is the perfect time to establish a pet grooming routine. Trust us, with some daily brushing, spring cleaning and regular baths, both you and your furry friend will be feeling like your best selves. In today’s blog, we’ll explore various aspects of spring pet care, from grooming techniques to minimize shedding to preventive measures against seasonal pests. 

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Kitten laying beside and hissing beside puppy

How to Deal with an Aggressive Pet

Some kitties aren’t all cuddles and purrs, just like some dogs aren’t all tricks and treats. Dealing with an aggressive pet can be scary and very upsetting for the entire household. At the Humane Society of Greater Niagara (HSGN), we understand the challenges that come with handling aggressive pets, whether they are feline or canine. In this blog post, we'd like to share a few of the strategies we use to help soothe the ferocious furry soul.

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Receiving a new puppy as gift for Christmas

Want to Adopt a Puppy for Christmas? Here’s What You Need to Know

We've all pictured it. That perfect moment, tiptoeing down the stairs on Christmas morning to spot a wagging tail waiting for us under the tree. A puppy is one of the most wonderful and iconic Christmas gifts in the world—even more so than a red 10-speed bicycle, we dare say! It’s easy to get excited about adopting a dog to bring home to your family during the holidays, but before you get ahead of yourself, let’s talk about what adoption means to staff here at HSGN…and the dogs, for that matter!

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child with rabbit

Adopt a Bunny from the Humane Society of Greater Niagara

The Humane Society is a well-known temporary home for cats and dogs—but did you know that we also take in other small companion animals like gerbils, guinea pigs and rabbits? In fact, rabbits often find themselves in the caring hands of volunteers and staff at the Humane Society of Greater Niagara animal shelter, and in need of a loving person to adopt them into a forever home. If you’re thinking about getting a pet, consider adopting a rabbit! Pet rabbits are sweet and funny and very rewarding.

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Children with Pet Cat

Fostering a Cat: Busting Common Myths on Temporary Cat Care

It’s easy to love a cat! Even skinny, sickly, needy cats are cute and endearing to most animal lovers. Unfortunately, for many potential cat foster carers, there are some misconceptions about the process that may be getting in the way of the right people providing help to cats in need. If you’ve considered fostering a cat but you’re worried that your home is too small, that it will cost too much money, or that you won’t be able to give the cat away when someone wants to adopt a pet—read on!

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Female owner of animal shelter showing gray cat to mother and daughter

How to Choose the Right Cat for You & Your Personality

Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world and for good reason! They’re smart, curious, and generally adorable. But choosing the right cat is more important than you think– because if your new feline friend doesn’t fit into your home or lifestyle, they can be a lot more work than you bargained for. So, how do you decide which one is “purr-fect” for you? We’re here to help!

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Volunteer petting dog at shelter

What It’s Like to Be a Humane Society Volunteer

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to volunteer for the Humane Society of Greater Niagara? Well, we’ll let you in on a little secret: volunteering with us is rewarding, fun and full of surprises.

You might be surprised to learn that our volunteers come from all walks of life. They include people who have never worked with animals before as well as those who are already experienced animal caretakers or veterinarians.

Volunteers range in age from high school students to retirees (and everything in between). Some volunteers work here every week; others come once a month or once a year. Some have been volunteering for years; others just started this year!

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