
We are able to help thousands of animals because of generous support from people like you!

Hundreds of volunteers selflessly contribute thousands of hours annually to the animals at the Humane Society of Greater Niagara, Volunteers are vital to our survival and on behalf of the animals, we truly appreciate all of their efforts.

Volunteers Do Make A Difference

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Being a cat volunteer socializer has been both amazing and rewarding. I get to play with beautiful cats/kittens. Love all of them and the staff is very hard working providing wonderful care.

Jenna M 


Volunteering at LCHS as part of the Dog Socialization Program is very rewarding. To spend time with so many wonderful dogs and watch them flourish and regain trust through the love and care given to them, is truly remarkable!

Jamie M


My experience with LCHS Cat Socialization Program has been so rewarding. I love the feeling of helping the cats and letting them know it’s a safe place for them to be. I enjoy seeing their milestones. It’s the little things that make me smile and I love seeing them get their furever homes.  For me the cats make me feel better and I hope them feel better to, it’s a win-win. I also like giving back to the community. The staff are so wonderful. 

Ingrid B


Simply put, I love volunteering in the Cat Socialization Program because I love cats. They're all special to me in their own way, and I love being given the opportunity to spend time with them.

Mark P


Volunteering at LCHS has been so rewarding, I look forward to my time each week with the animals. I know I can't take them all home but I can help to get them a forever home.

Stephanie H


Socializing the cats and kittens and giving them all the love they need is fun and immensely rewarding to me!

Sue G
